
The "Twilight" Zone

I'm officially in it. I have a secret - or not so secret depending on who you are - I love the Twilight Saga. LOVE!!! I've read all the books and finally seen the first movie. And now, I'm living in la-la-Twilight zone. Luckily, there's nothing more until Stephanie Meyer changes her mind and writes either a fifth book (we'd read it) or continues her work on Midnight Sun (thank you to whomever leaked it - really, we're not hooked and wouldn't have enjoyed reading a whole book vs. just 265 pages). This way, I can go on not ignoring my friends and family. And now, I should probably start working on all the house work I've been letting go astray. I should probably start painting, fixing and wallpapering. I should...
Wait, I own the books... Umm, gotta go, I think Book 4 is calling me...
P.S. In the time I had, not reading, I made the cookies I mentioned in the previous post. Not as 'fluffy' as I had hoped but yummy just the same.

1 comment:

  1. You Twilight freak. You are ignoring your friends. Get on with you life. Love ya!

    Fellow freak


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