
How to Make Newspaper Pots

See all those little paper pots? Aren't they cute? Not perfect but I think they'll do the trick. I looked online to find instructions on making paper pots that would work for plantings and quite frankly, aside from the one video I couldn't find anything (note: I'm not a good googler. I get irked when 100 unrelated sites pop up.). Alright, I just googled "How to make paper pots" and about a gazillion things showed up. Crap. Anyway, I did try and it was all a little complicated and I was trying to make my life easier. So, I folded paper until I came up with a little pocket big enough to throw some dirt in and a seed. I'm thinking this doesn't have to be rocket science! If you'd rather buy some fandangled contraption to build your pots you can do that too. Me? I'm on that whole Lent/Budget/Broke thing so I'm just gonna get my son to help me and call it a craft.
Get some kid in the neighbourhood or heck, use your own, to cut 'rings' out of toilet paper rolls. I was going to use all those rolls but then I realized that that expensive toilet paper that we all like so much uses bleached rolls - see the little suckers? Darn it. I'll be recycling those instead. I'm not sure if bleached paper is bad for your garden in such small quantities and I'm too lazy to look it up.
While the kid is cutting you can fold your paper. I like using the local paper and I rip a full piece in half as the half tends to be almost square instead of a long rectangle. This makes it small and then it seems to fold nicely. Read it first before you rip it up okay. Get up to date on local happenings!
So, fold your half paper in half. That looks like a dental coupon there doesn't it? I don't think it's my dentist though... See, that's why you should read it first...

Then, and here's where it gets a might bit tricky (even harder to describe when your 'helpers' talking in your ear as you're trying to type)... take the bottom left hand corner and bring it up to the top of your page. This creates a triangle on the left hand side of your folded paper and eventually, the little pocket you put soil in.
See? There's that little triangle only in this picture I've folded the bottom half of the paper up to the top.... is this making any sense at all? If you look at the previous picture you'll see the dogs legs on the bottom part of the picture and when you fold it up the dogs from the other side are now visible. This might also take off some of your rectangle (the bottom part of the triangle folds too).
Now that you are thoroughly confused, fold the paper to the right about 3 inches or so. Can you see the left side of the triangle under my fingers?

Alright, now fold it again.... and again....

And put one of those handy rings around your column.

And look at that - there's a pouch in there!!! Holy man - who knew?!

And continue going until you've used up all those rings and that newspaper. Hopefully I just saved you $12.99 plus shipping. You can use it to send me some seeds.... or if you don't understand a darn thing I've just written you can keep your $12.99 and use it to buy a bottle of wine instead. In fact, do that. Then drink the wine and come back to this blog and then see if you can make the pots. Yah, try that!
By the way, that was week one on "the list of stuff I have to get out of my closet"...


  1. Gotta love reusing! I should probably start some seeds just so I can think about something besides all the snow outside. grrrrr

    Making pizza, watching movies, all is well... but grrrr.

  2. I'm aching for spring! Not that winters even over yet but I keep getting glimpses of warmth. We're supposed to get more snow. I'm going back to bed.


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