
Hi Hoooo....

A little reference to those working dwarfs... you know, just in case you missed it...

I was thinking (never a good thing quite frankly) and I think that I'm always giving something up for Lent but never seeming to actually do anything. And yet, the piles of stuff that aren't done just keep piling up. The above picture is one pile of "stuff" that isn't done - oh, wait, the jeans are done (wahoo!) but the rest isn't. And the kitchen? Not done... And the quick quilt for E.? Not done. That darn tub? Still not finished. I always have great intentions. I'm a great starter of projects - finishing? That's the hard part. I tend to get distracted. The fact that this blog is still going is a freakin' miracle!

Stops babbling...

Which leads me to my next goal: To Actually Get Stuff Done! I'm going to try to finish at least 1 thing a week. I mean, come on, that shouldn't be hard! I've got tons of time - E.'s busy watching Magic School Bus - that's an easy hour and yes, my dishes are piling up and yes, the laundry is begging to be washed and there's something crawling on the floor that probably shouldn't be crawling on my floor but hey, I've got tons of time. Right? TONS... I feel like we've had this conversation before.

Where's that bottle of wine....


  1. Someday, when you're feeling especially annoyed with your unfinished projects, just give me a shout and I'll detail the umpteen thousand lingering tasks we've got...

    Winter just doesn't put me in a productive mood and then in summer? I want to go outside and play, not work on projects. Spring is filled with gardening and Autumn is just too darn pretty for household tasks...

    Rationalization is almost as fun as denial!

  2. Thanks for that. I was busy hanging my head in shame/disgust. Our one guest closet has become a home for wayward objects and now they're starting to travel throughout the house. I feel I need to stop them before they take over completely.

    Darn unfinished projects.


Comments? Feel free!