
I'm in love with:

This skirt from The Loft. In fact, I'm probably in love with everything in this store.

These boots though I wouldn't actually wear them. I just like to have them in my closet for those days when you feel like you want to kick someone in the a*$. Or when you just want to feel like Wonder Woman. I guess I need a gold lasso now too... hmmm....

Buddy. My sons each have one of these monsters and they love them too. How cute?!

Lip happiness. I have a Mentha lip shine in every purse. And they taste great too. If you're lucky like me you have a C.O. Bigelow store nearby. If not, you can order it on-line or go to a Bath & Body Works store. The men's products are great too - you know, for the man in your life (Valentines day is coming up).

These dishes and the matching glasses. I've got a set of 10 (they were on sale) and it's just waiting for the sun to come out, the snow to melt and the grass to grow! Meet me out by the patio in April. It would be great if it happened sooner but I've a feeling those dishes are going to be living in my basement for a few more months. *sigh* Cute though right? Thanks Ms. S. for your 'help' in buying them ('help' here means she stood behind me saying I'd regret it if they weren't mine. In hindsight, she was right. She also grabbed me a few missing pieces - gotta love that -smooch- ).

This running shirt. I just know I'd run like the wind if I was wearing this. Superfast! Okay, actually these days I'm more bound to start walking/crawling after a mile so it would mainly be me thinking I was as fast as The Green Lantern and singing a little bit of Chariots of Fire in my head. You get the picture I'm sure. It's sad but if I had the shirt at least I'd look good.

Seems to be a theme here. I think I've been hanging with the boys too much today. Happy Superhero dreams to all of you out there. May Batman visit you while you sleep (now which one will you choose? George Clooney? Val Kilmer?)

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