
Work. Work. Work.

I'm starting to feel like one of the dwarfs. The kitchen and fireplace room are starting to come together. It's all very exciting! As I type Mr. A and his dad are at HomeDepot filling the truck with shiny new bits and pieces. I am deathly afraid of getting that bill.

As it's payday/paybillsday I am fretting every dollar going out of this house and I'm trying desperately to stay focused on the thrill that soon will be our new room. *sigh* I'm waiting for the lottery guys to call and yet, I'm pretty sure they're not going to.


  1. I'm pretty sure the lottery guys rarely award money to people who don't buy tickets...

    Good luck surviving the process! I'm sure the results will be more than worth it in the end.

    Just remember - any indoor decorating project is more satisfying (albeit less necessary) than a yard-destroying sewage project.

    Neener neener

    Of course, you don't get to entertain your kids with endless hours of backhoe fabulousness!

  2. It's slowly (sl-ow-l-y) coming together. The floor is about halfway done. We've decided to go through the kitchen as well so I bid adieu to the linoleum. It was a sad goodbye (not). I think we've decided on white for the kitchen (shocking). I'd leave the primer there and not paint but I suspect there's a rule about that. Darn rules. It's going to be lovely when it's done. I think...

    And you're right. The kids are not impressed with the floor. They were however impressed with the table saw and how it could cut through ice...

  3. Home ownership is such an adventure! May the sewage gods forever smile upon you ;-)

  4. It will all be over soon and you can sit back and enjoy all your hard work....with a few glasses of wine....

    Have a Happy Easter!!



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