
Checking in.

The beginning of Spring Break in Ohio starts with Easter. What a great thing - kids home for a week and all hopped up on Chocolate. Oh, a brilliant idea! Above is a picture of the dozen eggs the boys dipped and stamped for the Easter Bunny.
Luckily for me (or the boys, depending on how you look at it) the weather has been lovely. So nice in fact that it makes for great tent building. 6 kids, blankets, umbrellas, garden features, etc.
This is what the floor looked like after the rug came up. Nice plywood. I'm happy to report the floor is finished. The painting of the kitchen is not. One step at a time and I think it's always good to have one project on the go (or 50, whatever).

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a heap of fun - lots more fun than if you were trying to bring them down from their sugar high INSIDE! Ack!


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