
Grocery Day!

3 bottles of wine = one happy Tracy! I've tried them already - the sun was out, I was happy, it couldn't be helped. Honestly, you can't go wrong with a naked redhead on a motorbike, really, it's always a crowd pleaser. The Mad Housewife - who wouldn't want to try that out?! However, if you can, please refrain from buying the Chardonnay. I'm not sure if they've got a better one but this one made my face do funny things. So, read the little quip on the back and then, put it back on the shelf. Spend your $5.99 on House Wine instead or put it toward the redhead (usually priced at $9.99).
This was yesterdays shopping. Grand total of $67.29. Now, before you freak out (Kristi), keep in mind I went to the market on Saturday and I had leftovers from the 'other' shopping trip I had to make Saturday morning (remember last week when I said I had to go back for a few essentials?). And notice I've got 2 more bottles of wine?! They were on sale! At $2.99 a bottle they just couldn't be passed up and if they're better than the Mad Housewife then I'm going back for more. For goodness sake, that's cheaper that 5 buck Chuck! I'll keep you posted - they had tons (and if you buy a case you usually get 10% off - I wonder if that works for sale items)!
Market Day total = $28.98. *sigh* The eggs are the best buy. Farm fresh, free range, organic eggs - $3.00/12. The Cheddar Curds are not, but darn it they are good! We couldn't pass on the blueberries and at $15.00 a bucket I'm not feeling bad about it. I see pancakes and muffins in my future... maybe even crepes with blueberry sauce....

This was a bit of a whopper shopping trip. $48.21 on veggies and wine - sounds like a party doesn't it?! Well, it was. Happy Birthday goes out to Stacy! Her husband organized a WONDERFUL 40th b-day party for her on Saturday and most of what is pictured above was placed on a platter with some dip and now sits in Stacy's fridge. Hee hee... Great party - there was even a naked redhead (I never get tired of saying that).
And now, the GRAND TOTAL for food for this week is: $144.48! ACK! I'm okay, really, I'm fine. You'll noticed that there's a few items that I'll be able to stretch into next week and maybe even the next (I've already started planning next weeks menu). I'll post my menu for this week later on today but for now I feel I should go pay attention to E. I'm not sure how much Mario Kart one kid should play but for him, it's a LOT! Have a good one. Enjoy the sun!

Update: I'm going back for more of the Merlot! The Oak Creek (Californian) at $2.99 a bottle is a freakin' steal. If you like Charles Shaw (no one really does, we're just cheap) then you'll LOVE the Oak Creek Merlot. I'm having some right now and though I probably wouldn't serve it at an elegant dinner party (though, really, do they know the difference anyway) it's certainly good enough for me and my friends (that's saying a lot actually)! It's not awful (like the Mad Housewife - oh, maybe that's what she was mad at...), it's not going to blow you away but for a meal during the week or an afternoon on the patio it's delightful. So, buy up ladies!

1 comment:

  1. I see dried apricots and bananas. Could this mean you've got some quick bread in your future?

    Looks like a great haul!


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