
Long Weekends.

Well, depending on what neck of the woods you're in, you're having a long weekend starting today (at 5? 3? now?) but for some of us, the weekend isn't the 'down time' part of the week. Thus, a long weekend often provokes the feeling of dread in stay-at-home moms or maybe it's just me...  

Let me explain, as you know, S is in school full-time and my dear husband is at work full-time (which is usually 8am-6pm) and during the day it's just good ol' E and I and we're used to doing our own things.  He gets free reign of the toys and truly, the house, and me while S is away, and I don't really have anyone to worry about but him.  We talk, go for walks, go adventuring, hang out with friends or just vegg.  We have a great time.  Occasionally, we get a little sick of each other but usually it's around 2pm and then it's time to start picking people up and bringing them home so it's not usually a problem.

Now, when the weekend hits we've got 2 full days of sharing the house with 2 other people and this weekend because it's a long weekend, it means we have to share the house for 3 days - yah, 3!  We get the bickering, the yelling, the teasing and the name calling all at once and don't even get me started on the kids relationship!    The laundry piles up, the dishes take over the counter and I have to cook way more than I do during the week (or get take out, which gets really expensive...).  By the time Tuesday rolls around I'm going to be exhausted!  So, weekends are often my work time and not a vacation.  

Don't get me wrong, I love having A and S home... really, I do.  I love having my family all together - they usually like each other and generally enjoy each others company.  However, this tends to only last a day or two - what are we going to do by day 3?  Such is life... Hope you have a lovely weekend and that the "Vacation Fairy" visits you!

1 comment:

  1. Well, there are long weekends and there are loooooong weekends. Mine's feeling rather loooong at this point but I'm hoping that will soon improve. I'm beginning to think home projects need to be strictly tag-team!


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