
I want. I want. I want.

A simple arbor. Same old. Same old. Still lovely though no? You can find it at This is actually the one I envisioned at the start of the garden path (pictures of it are still in my head and awfully hard to transfer to the computer). I'd like to put a climber on the left hand side of it and then the vegetable garden is going to be on the right. I'm hoping it's going to tie the yard into the outdoor sitting area - eventually we'll actually get a patio set so we can sit out there... *sigh*
I like this one. It's simple yet elegant... Okay, I don't really like it but I love the house and I love the beach and I love the water... If I can have all the rest of it then I'll take the arbor too. Just in case you like it, you can buy it at:
Alright, this is nice. It's plain and made of cedar. I can't find anything wrong with it and nothing I absolutely love about it. I think it would work in my yard and would look lovely with a Clematis growing all over it. Lovely pink flowers everywhere... Find this one here.
When I move to England and live next to the Queens castle in Windsor I'm going to get this arbor. I think it'll work in jolly old England or New Hampshire. I'm pretty sure it won't work in Ohio. When I look like at this one I feel like I should be walking through it to get to a state fair or something. "Come one, come all, see The Amazing Bearded Lady!"
If you're more adventurous (or handy) than either I or my husband (he's very smart...) there's even instructions online (the Internet is so full of surprises) and you could build your own! There's a novel idea. I think that it would be even cooler if you could whip one up from stuff you happen to have laying around. This lady made an arbor out of a kids swing set - now that's handy! If you do make one - post a picture alright? I'd love to see it and I'm always into stealing someone else's ideas!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have a case of the gimmes, huh? Gimme this, gimme that. Don't you get enough of that at home? But I must admit, those are some lovely arbors. I hope you get one, soon.


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