
From the Garden Pt.1

Salad anyone? Baby lettuce and wild onions with a quick dressing of lemon and olive oil. Super yum! I haven't got everything planted yet (and the onions are wild - as stated above - so I didn't do a darn thing to get them) but I'm s-l-o-w-l-y getting there. It's been dry and because of that my soil is one big, solid mass. We got rain last night and I'm hopeful that I'll be able to plant something this afternoon! Cross your fingers. You were right (you know who you are), I can just throw down some seeds and something pops up (most of the time...).
Pineapple Rhubarb Jam. As you might have guessed the pineapple is from a can but the rhubarb is not. It's early and it's HUGE! I've got enough in my fridge to make a little coffee cake this morning... mmm.... If I stay on top of things this year I might have a pantry full of little goodies. I have my heart set on making Chili Sauce (I can't find the recipe on-line but if I make it then I'll post it), Giardiniera, and jam, jam, jam! Oh, I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

  1. ...and it's too wet here to plant. What's the world coming to? The lettuce and onions look so tasty!


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