
Definition of an Idiot:

1. Someone who decides to paint their kitchen and at the same time bake 4 loaves of bread at 450F.
2. Me.


  1. Mmmmm... is that no-knead bread? Looks yummy!

    Can't wait to see the kitchen!

  2. Were the fumes killer? It looks to me like you made out OK! That bread looks delicious.

  3. Definition of an idiot: 1. Someone who tries making swiss buttercream for the first time at 5 pm with a fussy baby and boys ages 4, 7 ahd 8 roaming about the house. 2. Me.

  4. R - yes it is and yes it was!
    CM - I bought FreshAire Choice Paint. No fumes! No toxins and well worth the extra $10.00 a gallon. I highly, highly recommend it. I went with a Bright White Semi-Gloss (as well as the primer) and it went on fabulously.
    S - you make me giggle. Bet the buttercream tasted might good when it was done. Did I tell you I bought a 12 pack of beer... I'll share my beer if you share your buttercream!

  5. Hahahaha!! Now that's what I call multi-tasking. Bread looks great, next we need pictures of the kitchen!


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