
Voila Pt. 2

This was the kitchen with the wallpaper but after we took off the cupboards. I'm thinking that was last fall (notice the zucchini and all the tomatoes?).
I took this picture of the kitchen when we came to look at the hosue in June 2008. We've changed the flooring, removed those cupboards on the left and taken off the wallpaper. Nothing too dramatic - dramatic is just not in the budget. But a can of paint and a new floor makes a big difference (let me believe that okay?).

Here's the 'Voila' part. White walls 'cause I'm so original and yes, that's a chalkboard you see there on the bottom cupboard. Oh, another bandwagon I got on! (Yes, I could have put the dishes away but I wanted to add a touch of realism to the picture - go with it...)

All the holes are gone in the ceiling (where the cupboard was removed) and I think the white combined with the floor actually make the space a little bigger. I'd like to eventually get a couple of stools for the counter. That's it. All done. What a big bunch of hoopla. I'm tired now... time for a beer.
Or wine?


Definition of an Idiot:

1. Someone who decides to paint their kitchen and at the same time bake 4 loaves of bread at 450F.
2. Me.


Madhatter Monday...

No particular reason for the title today I was just cravin' a little alliteration and that was as good as it was getting.

Today was shopping day! It's been a few weeks and for those of you that love being a grocery voyeur (yes, you Ser), I thought I should continue on. There wasn't a big load of meat in this excursion - thanks to Stacy's family for the 1/8th of a cow (don't cringe). I've got some Hebrew Nationals down in the corner 'cause it's been warm here and on Saturday I was craving a hot dog on the good ol' Hibachi!

Anyhoo....Kroger made a big whoppin' $74.00 off me today. No real bargoons out there and I do believe my broccoli was priced wrong. The hot dogs were the biggest steal - on sale for $2.50 a pkg. Mmm... hot dogs...

In case you're wondering when to stop by for supper this week, the menu is below!

Monday: Roast chicken, with baked onions, roasted potatoes and squash.

Tuesday: Meat Loaf, mashed potatoes, and steamed broccoli with almonds.

Wednesday: Tacos - using the leftover meatloaf and tofu cubes.

Thursday: Perogies - using the leftover mashed potatoes and squash from Monday and Tuesdays dinners.

Friday: Pizza day! Hurray! And yes, it's alllllll leftovers. Whatever I've got from the week will be thrown on the pizza. Top it with a bit of balsamic vinegar and olive oil and it's heavenly!

Saturday: oh, here I just don't know... I suspect it might be a sandwich night or perhaps those hot dogs will make it over to some hot coals!


Happy Sunday to you.

That my darling, is a picture of happy little sweet potato dumplings/gnocchi swimming in olive oil, melted butter and fresh sage leaves (and bacon, always bacon). Someones' Nona is getting a splitting headache right now and can't figure out why...
I started out making sweet potato gnocchi but I'm sure I didn't put in enough flour and I certainly didn't drag the little suckers up the fork hard enough so, now, instead of having ridges they look a little more like the little fats from a Doctor Who episode (holy run on sentence Robin!). With a side salad fresh from the garden and a glass of Lexia White it was a positively wonderful Sunday dinner.
I think I have a 'thing' for adjectives today.


From the Garden Pt.1

Salad anyone? Baby lettuce and wild onions with a quick dressing of lemon and olive oil. Super yum! I haven't got everything planted yet (and the onions are wild - as stated above - so I didn't do a darn thing to get them) but I'm s-l-o-w-l-y getting there. It's been dry and because of that my soil is one big, solid mass. We got rain last night and I'm hopeful that I'll be able to plant something this afternoon! Cross your fingers. You were right (you know who you are), I can just throw down some seeds and something pops up (most of the time...).
Pineapple Rhubarb Jam. As you might have guessed the pineapple is from a can but the rhubarb is not. It's early and it's HUGE! I've got enough in my fridge to make a little coffee cake this morning... mmm.... If I stay on top of things this year I might have a pantry full of little goodies. I have my heart set on making Chili Sauce (I can't find the recipe on-line but if I make it then I'll post it), Giardiniera, and jam, jam, jam! Oh, I can hardly wait.



This has nothing to do with actual crap. I'm sorry for any disappointment this might cause. It does have everything to do with how I'm feeling.... like crap - in case you didn't catch that....

It's allergy season in Ohio. It has been for almost two weeks. I am ghastly allergic to trees - or rather what ever it is that they do in the spring (ie. pollinate, flower, grow, etc.). I know I'm supposed to love trees, nature and all that but about now I just want to take a chainsaw and cut down every last one. I want to pour concrete over every green thing and call it a day.

And yes, yes, yes, I've tried Zyrtec. I've tried Claritin, Sudafed, Eye drops, Cold face cloths, Warm face cloths, Showering before bed, Turning on the air conditioning, Turning off the air conditioning, Staying inside, Gifts to the Gods, you name it - I've tried it! And I'm DONE! Next year I'm spending the spring in Whitehorse. Google it.


We Are Golden

What would I do without Graham Norton to tell me what I should listen to?! Mika's "We are Golden" is my new head bobbin' song. It's been in the UK for a while but for me it's brand new! Enjoy.


What I learned...

Easter has come and gone and with it, the conclusion of my 40 days and 40 nights of decreased wants. I'm been thinking a lot about what I learned by doing this - other than that it's a lot harder than one would expect. I have a new found respect for those trying to live a sustainable lifestyle. I'm not sure I could give up some of the things that make life 'easier' 24/7 and certainly my month long contribution was small compared to most.

I did enjoy making come things from scratch - the vanilla, granola, coffee creamer and kids snacks to name a few. And I found I didn't miss buying these things from the store - nor did my family. It truly is amazing how much we rely on store bought items that only a few decades ago we could do without. I'm still sticking to some of the above but I did break down this week and buy a box of Fruit Loops. Small steps...

Dealing with the kids was a little easier than I thought it would be. We ate out once and when my littlest got a belly ache after it was enough to sway him to the "eating at home" philosophy. Regular bowel movements are a great addition to any household! Don't get me wrong, my kids are like any other American Child and when a toy/crappy store item is wanted then it's WANTED and no amount of cajoling will turn their little heads. I'm a pretty forceful mother however (neither a positive or a negative in my mind) and when those moments happen they are often followed by some deep moments of reflections and conversation.... Yah, right.

In order to save money on things - like groceries - you have to search the flyer's, your cupboards and the coupons and plan ahead. The menu planning was great; especially for those evenings when you just don't know what to make. Try to have a back-up in case you run out of time for whatever you had planned. For instance, a grilled cheese sandwich, steamed broccoli and corn though not highly nutritious, is still better than a cheeseburger from McD's - so is a bowl of cereal for that matter.

And you have to think outside the box... try reusing things for something other than their intended purpose, make your own where possible (and time efficient), and search around - I have great friends and neighbours that are willing to share and split up stuff with me (you might too). Worthington is going to have a Precycle Day on April 21-22. It's a great way to use things that might otherwise end up in a landfill because the original owners couldn't use it anymore. Try that in your own neighbourhood - people are cheap and love a good deal, never mind FREE!

What else did I learn? Not everyone gets it. Why can't you buy a coffee? What do you mean you make your own vanilla/coffee creamer? What are you using that for? I can't plan ahead like you do... *sigh* Like I said, I have a new found respect for those that do so much more than I did. Thanks to those of you that backed me up.



I sometimes wonder if I'm the Schmuck. I'm okay with that, I'd just like to be told first.


Sunshine in a bottle.

Even if your head feels like someone hit you with a shovel and your eyes are sealed shut and there's crud gushing from your nose (ie. you have allergies), this little jar will make you smile. Spread it on a good piece of toast (don't waste it on Wonderbread... ick), grab a nice hot tea and enjoy.

And yes, I went to Trader Joes' last night. I spent $20 on Lemon Curd and bread (there might be a few more items in there...). I can't find my receipt and I didn't take a picture. I also have no ambition to go to another grocery store this week - none - none - none. The menu for this week was so boring I didn't feel I could justify using a whole blog day for it. There's a lot of turkey sandwiches, turkey soup and just reheated turkey. This is not an apology. I'm PMSing and if you didn't get it from the above, I'm in full fledged allergy mode. Translation: I'm ready to annihilate anything within 100 meters.


Floor - Before & After.

Before Picture Number 1. Looks warm and cozy right? Something from your grandmas home... not that there's anything wrong with that...
Before picture Number 2. Looking toward the door. I feel I should tell you that I'm not buying new furniture. I'm not like that. So before you think there's going to be a dramatic change with the After pictures think again. Don't be too disappointed. It's just a floor. This is not Extreme Home Makeover...this is.

Ooooh. Aaaahhhh. Nice floors Lady! Look at the sun shine in. Still a little grandma-ish but I do believe that's my style.
Even the dog likes the new floor. Go Putty! I've moved my desk too. This way I can sit at the window and yell at the kids when they're playing in the yard. A win/win situation. We'll be needing a few more pieces of furniture but not just yet. I'm sort of liking the bare look. There's a lot less to clean that way.

Checking in.

The beginning of Spring Break in Ohio starts with Easter. What a great thing - kids home for a week and all hopped up on Chocolate. Oh, a brilliant idea! Above is a picture of the dozen eggs the boys dipped and stamped for the Easter Bunny.
Luckily for me (or the boys, depending on how you look at it) the weather has been lovely. So nice in fact that it makes for great tent building. 6 kids, blankets, umbrellas, garden features, etc.
This is what the floor looked like after the rug came up. Nice plywood. I'm happy to report the floor is finished. The painting of the kitchen is not. One step at a time and I think it's always good to have one project on the go (or 50, whatever).