
Making Mountains out of Mole Hills.

Alright, from the last one of these we established that I'm gorgeous - you know, like the Cindy Crawford kind. Stop laughing. It's true!

Okay, ya, it's not...and lately, I'm developing a severe case of the zits - not acne, not little pimples - but rather the kind that take over one particular area of your face and show absolutely no mercy. They get big and red and they fester into something that someone like myself will ultimately have to pick at, creating what I can only describe as a HUGE, MASSIVE CRATER! I've tried to avoid it but I get a little zit and I can't help myself. I'll be watching a t.v. show or reading a book and I start picking and picking and picking, then, full blown scab.

So, how do you avoid getting even the littlest of zits? What sort of 'Beauty Regime' do you undergo everyday - or possibly every month??? For me it's been the pretty much the same sort of thing forever. In the morning, I wash my face in the shower - by having shampoo drip down my face (oh, the horror). Then I use the old pink Oil of Olay. Yep, that's right, the same thing your grandmother uses (if it's not Nivea cream) is what I use. And at night, if I remember (if I'm not lazy - if I'm lazy then I brush my teeth and head to bed - its worse than you thought right?) then I wash my face with an Oil of Olay face wash (a foaming cleanser), pat dry and then again, Oil of Olay toner, and (surprise!) Oil of Olay night cream.

I do NOT use a moisturizer with sunscreen in it (*gasp*). Oh, I tried once and the zits were unyielding! And so, away it went. I don't use anything over $10 - it's not that important, really?! In the summer I will use a sunscreen over top of my moisturizer if I know I'm going to be in the sun and I can't avoid it but generally, I just avoid being in the direct sunlight. I burn and burning isn't fun and I don't like to get hot (warm is good, hot and sweaty is not). So now you know my secrets - and why I have bad skin - I'm a dermatologists nightmare (freckles, freckles, freckles).

What do you do? Are you a clinique addict? Do you run screaming toward the Lancome counter? How about just plain soap? Or perhaps, you even indulge in a facial or two? *sigh*


  1. I'm not a religious woman but this is one part of my life handled primarily through prayer... and Atralin gel. You see, a few months after you left CO (feel the guilt trip?), after I had oh so intelligently replaced our rather spectacular workout+sauna+coffee regimen with just the coffee (and heaps of career stress), I got a most ridiculously huge case of cystic acne from my earlobes, down my cheeks, and around my chin (don't forget the neck). I, too, walked around with scabface.

    So, a couple of tries of "clean living" later (bah!), I went for the big guns, a big ol' $100 tube of Atralin gel - got rid of the acne (mostly) AND works on fine lines and wrinkles!! Of course, I'm happy now but I was none-too-pleased while I was going through a couple of weeks of massive skin peeling. In the end, however, I give it a thumbs up!

    Beyond that, I wash with Johnson's baby wash morning and night and about once a week, use the olive oil - castor oil skin treatment.

    Still, Cover Girl isn't calling (not even Field and Stream) but I can look myself in the eye.

  2. I change it up sometimes, but recently, this is what I've been doing with my "beauty" routine:

    Aveeno Foaming Face Wash for sensitive skin, morning and night.
    Aveeno Facial Moisturizer w/ SPF 30, day.
    Oil of Olay Regenerist Night Cream, night.

    Zit Stuff:
    Clearasil, as needed, morning and night.
    Neosporin, as needed, for those spots that I couldn't resist pickin & poppin!

    Cerave Lotion, all over (except face)
    Cerave Cream, extra dry spots (knees, heels, elbows)

    I find it important to shower as soon as possible after exercising... otherwise I get a case of chest, back, and neck zits. EW!!

    I think you always look gorgeous, Tracy!


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