
To do lists and other things I don't want to do.

  • The stairs still look like this. There's more dust bunnies in the corners, piles of kids crap on the second stair and maybe a dint or two from Mr.E throwing a ball up and down "cause it goes faster now" but basically, I've done nothing.
  • I still have to caulk in all the gaps on the fireplace room floor. Yep, it's been a year. I also have to prime and paint the molding. Whatever...
  • I'd like to make pillow covers for the pillows that came with the green couches we bought. I HATE the pillows but for some reason I also think it's ludicrous to throw them out and just go buy new ones. Me and my stupid reasoning make absolutely no sense at all. None.
  • I collected old maps from neighbours and friends in the fall in hopes that I would paint the downstairs bathroom and cover one wall with the maps. Haven't done it yet. Fall is long gone. Stupid fall.
  • It's spring here. That's a good thing (though not if you're the bathroom). The sun is shining and the birds are singing and I'm reminded that I really need to get my butthogs out to the garden and clean up all the leaves and 'stuff' because plants are starting to grow. I have one tulip that has actually bloomed. I think it's a little premature but who am I?
  • Our garage door decided it no longer wants to be attached to the garage. Add that to "The list of things that need to be fixed" (the basement leaking might be at the top but really, it's such a long list it really is hard to tell which is more important). This isn't necessarily on my 'to do' list but it's on someone's - I think it's safe to assume it's on mine I suppose.
  • I have to do laundry. I hate doing laundry. I think I might just be feeling a bit whiny. Maybe just a little? Darn it. I'm going to get a glass of wine now. Did you read all the way to this? Wow. Go make your own list. Pffflllt.


  1. I think it's time for a nap...right after the wine, that is...

    What are your plans for the stairs? Replacing the carpet? A laminate stair system? Replacement treads? Inquiring minds want to know!

  2. Funny lady! Today was "tackle the errands" day. I thought I'd finish all of them by noon but now, here I am at 2 p.m., just returned home and I still have two things left on the list (clean frog' tank and buy crickets... perhaps Mr. K will do it??). Why do things always take so much longer than I plan...?

    I don't even want to think about the master "to do" list right now.

    I think you should pant the stairs navy blue (because it's always more fun to watch other people work...)

    Hugs to all!


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