
3 more? I think not.

I don't know if I should prelude this story by saying that I don't think I'm fat and that I exercise fairly diligently at least 3 times a week but I'm going to... Yep, I have to say that you wouldn't walk down the street and think, "Man, that lady is a cow, a whale, a ship passing in the night". No, really, I don't think you would...

So, this is how the story goes: My family, all four of us, were sitting around in the living room today just watching Survivorman (a whole other story here about how you shouldn't let your 7 year old watch Survivorman...), just enjoying the time, when a commercial comes on about helping in Ethiopia or something like that and I said we should really do that because the kids are older now and what a great experience for them to know about other cultures (yah, a trip to France would be better but I was momentarily insane). Well, my youngest, the 4 year old pipes up and says that we need more boys in our family before we think about doing anything - thanks to Ser I think, who is currently carrying another little boy in her belly. E. thinks we need 3 more boys and then we'll be done with our family. Then, he lifts up my shirt to reveal my stomach and says, "See, you're belly's already big. You've got them in there now." S. burst into laughter! Tears were rolling down his face and I just sat there contemplating whether I should tell Mr. E. he could go jump in the lake (or other things...) or if I should just laugh and kiss his sweet, innocent head. I chose the latter. I wanted to do the former. Good parenting eh?

I am NOT - let me rephrase that - NOT with child. And quite frankly, I've been doing sit ups. Now, I'm going to stop doing those sit ups and go eat some chocolate. Darn kids.


  1. Oh come on, if you had 5 boys and I have 3, we could definitely have a whole sports team. And also go build a house in Etheopia or something. And you look great, by the way!

  2. Or maybe E has some kind of prodigal knowledge of anatomy and reproduction and knows that yes, there are (at least) 3 more eggs sitting in there.

    Or maybe he was trying to test how much you really really love him.

    I'm sure you look great and I'm sure you won't be having three more boys.

    and I'm sure my kids have never watched Survivorman. Much.

  3. Don't you just love kids? No? Well, I can see why not...cheeky little monkey, that E! When are you due? ;)


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