
Hankie Curtains and a Painted Desk.

The "before" picture of the window treatment - eww, it's okay, you can say it. I didn't pick it. It came with the house.
The desk "before" picture. It had good bones; good structure but the 1940 laminate just had to go. I'm sure in someones house it would have been just fine but in what I envision my house to one day look like, this wouldn't fit.

The NEW curtains! Thank you to MK for the idea. She did this treatment in her daughters room and happened to tell me about it. I found the hankies at a local second hand shop and after bleaching them (eww to old hankies) and finding a plain black rod at Target (I LOVE Target), I couldn't be happier (happy from a window treatment? nut.).

The new look! The chair isn't staying nor the wallpaper. I'm thinking white walls and a FERM living tree on the left side of the desk and perhaps a white or black ladder back chair. What do you think?
Did you notice the drawer pulls? I couldn't decide and I'M CHEAP! After all, I found the desk on the side of the road... I had thought about making picture frame knobs (please don't steal my idea) but the only ones I could find on the net were these ones - ewww... And since I don't currently have time to make my own (perhaps one day?) I decided to use some old ribbons instead. I tied a knot, slipped it through the hole, and then used an old pin (in this case a 1980's sunglass pin) to secure it in place. It does the job and I think makes the desk a little kitchy.

So, it's done. The drawers work great and it's the perfect height for my computer. I can blog till I can't blog no more! Aren't you excited???
Next up - finishing the dresser! I've already got the drawers primed and ready for a paint colour. This is the hard part! I can't decide what colour to paint them - white? green? brown? more black? No. Not black.
Oh, and honestly, the pictures don't do it justice. I think this is the best reno job I've ever done - that's not saying much I suppose...

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