

Okay, I know it's been awhile but that's because I'm working on my desk and the dresser. Both are primed. Well, okay, the primers still wet but the last coat is on. I've finished the drawers for the desk and might I add - they look awesome! Really, I'm not just tooting my own horn....

I'm hoping to get the paint on the desk (at least one coat) this evening. I'm hoping that by tomorrow it'll be ready to bring inside... Don't hold me to that 'cause we all know how I like to procrastinate. I need hardware for the drawers too. This isn't as easy as it sounds.

I've decided to paint the drawers a glossy black and the rest of the dresser a flat black. So, should I keep the pulls black too or should I go with a metal or white or what??? They could also be ducks but really, no one wants to see that... what do you think?


  1. Sounds lovely! I'd go with colorful pulls but you know I tend towards bright color...

    I can't wait to see the finished product!


  2. I'd go for silver. That would look classy. And we know how concerned about that you are! (hee, hee) Anyway, just make sure you don't put anything on it for at least 5 or 6 days, a week is better. I'm serious. It will stick. Especially since it's been cold at night and it's been in the garage. Let it acclimate to your house and really dry. You will not be happy if all your hard work is ruined when you go to lift off your computer and it pulls half your paint off! Believe me, I've done it!


Comments? Feel free!