
Outdoors Again.

The rain stayed away today making it a perfect day to plant a whole bundle of stuff. I purchased way too many plants at Oakland Nurserys' this week and they were starting to wilt/die.

There was no rhyme or reason to what I picked out - kind of like everything I do isn't it? However, I did try to stay away from anything that was purple. Really. You wouldn't believe the amount of purple in my garden right now. It's almost embarrassing. Not that I don't like purple but really, there's a lot of purple...

The thing is, if everything I've planted actually thrives then I'm going to be bursting at the seams. Oh, yes, that means a new plot is going to be coming soon! I'm not entirely sure where I'm going to put it though. Perhaps I'll make a chart of the backyard and you can give me a little bit of advice as to how I might spruce it up.

Anyway, the plants I bought this week are:

Sweet Potato Vine (Blackie) - dark purple/black leaves and light pink flowers

Amaranthus - Early Splendor - this one has the best leaves - gorgeous

Coleus - 3 varieties: Volcano, Black Dragon, and a Carefree Mix (ahh)

Purple Cornflower - the flowers look like birdies (the kind for badminton)

Black Eyed Susans - a two tone flower and a staple to any garden

Lobelia - Blue Moon (good beer - totally unrelated topics...)
Marigolds - yellow - I didn't pick them E. did. He thought they were pretty.

Centaurea - Amethyst in Snow - gorgeous flowers

Avens - Mrs. Bradshaw variety - nothing fancy just like the colour

Lobelia, Cardinal Flower - Queen Victoria - even the stems are nice

Balloon Flower in Blue - this was on my list (hurray). pretty little flowers

Coral Bells - for the shaded areas
Foxglove - also for the shaded areas. I love foxglove.

Coreopsis - tickseed. nothing fancy.
Lemon Verbena - also picked out by Mr.E. I think he thinks it's going to grow lemons.
Petunias - miniature pink - yes, petunias. I potted them and I love them. I used to really dislike them but there's something to be said about their colours.
Dahlia bulbs in orange and yellow. Don't judge me.


  1. Yay! Vicarious planting! It's still too wet and cold here (in Seattle?) to start planting much but I have a huge flat of bright pink petunias waiting to festoon the window boxes waiting in the garage.

    I love how you play with colorful foliage. I'm thinking whatever (future) border I end up starting in the back yard is going to be all about the foliage - sooo... take notes for me!

  2. Yes, tons of vicarious planting and one stiff ol'lady!

    I used a red Coleus last year at the end of the garden and it was a great way to draw your eye down the rows. Plus, the flowers were pretty. The foliage on the amaranth is nice too - I'm hoping it stays that way as it gets bigger (supposed to be about 6 feet tall). We'll see what happens I suppose.

    I am sorry about all your snow. It's a late summer this year which could mean fall is going to be gorgeous. Let's hope!


Comments? Feel free!