
Saturdays pass all too quickly.

It's already 1:00 pm and it feels like the clock is tick, tick, ticking away.

For those of you in other parts of the world and not familiar with all things American (insert "gasp" here) we're currently celebrating Memorial weekend. I'm feeling a bit delayed. In Canada we have May 2-4 weekend (a celebration of the birth of Queen Victoria). A weekend of drunk and disorderly conduct - alright, not exactly, more like sleeping in and having BBQ - kind of like what everyone else does on a long weekend. And the '2-4' represents a case of beer; 24 beer in a case. *sigh* When I say that here everyone looks at me funny....

We didn't go on a big trip, nor are we having BBQ. We've decided to spend the time in the yard. A place you'll find us on most weekends and it never gets dull. Really, it doesn't. I could do this every single weekend... The new neighbours have given the boys boxes to play in (they were up at 6 am asking to go outside). Up until 5 minutes ago they were playing quite nicely... things are breaking down at the moment...

A. is finishing up the mowing of the lawn. It's a big lawn and since we have an electrical mower it usually takes 2 days to cut the back. I did most of it yesterday. We only have one battery. We need another battery. We need sheep or a goat - darn city bylaws. Just think how green our grass would be... and how small the garden would be...

I'm sitting at the back patio typing away and having a glass of wine. There's cheese, black olives and homemade bread sitting on the table. The breeze is cooling the afternoon down and I have to say there really isn't anywhere else I'd rather be right now. Though I wish you were here. Wouldn't that be nice?

1 comment:

  1. I could send you a sheep -- fedex!?!! Of course, it would eat absolutely everything (except for grass that has gotten too long to be tasty - picky buggers).

    I wish I was there. Of course, things are pretty good here, too - when the kids aren't being too irrational!


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