
Day 9: Dedicated to these guys.

They make me laugh - like out loud, with stuff spewing and everything. With the Crantini you can practice your Ninja Kick and fill up on antioxidants at the same time. It's like a miracle drink or something. So by drinking one of these you're just looking out for your health. You're like, being nutritious. Yah, go with that.... Only 3 more days to go.

Recipe (for those of you too lazy to click on the link... you know who you are Karyn) though this isn't the exact recipe you'll find. Mr A. had to do a bit of improvising:

1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz Lillet
4 oz Cranberry Pomegranate Concentrate (the stuff in the freezer section)

Add all the ingredients in a martini shaker - no need for ice 'cause you were smart and used the frozen concentrate. Then shake, pour into martini glass and if you'd like, add a few cranberries to complete the drink. The recipe above said you should soak the cranberries in vodka first and I think you should listen to them 'cause they know what they're talking about. I think they're professionals.

1 comment:

  1. You know me so well. Thank you for saving me the click!! ;)


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