
A Few Observations.

A word of warning: I wrote these observations after spending way too much time in the car running from one errand to the other. None of which was for me. I'm selfish so just the fact that I didn't get anything out of it was enough to make me incredibly grumpy. And I haven't had wine/beer for a few days so that was just the cherry on the top. Also, I may not feel the same way tomorrow so don't hold it against me or do, whatever.... I still haven't had wine today...

1. You can't text and drive. Yes, I know you think you can but you can't. Even Oprah says you can't - it must be true.

2. To the guy in the green car: The 'tick, tick' sound you've been hearing for the last 6 miles is your turn signal. Frick. Turn it off already.

3. The big red octagon in front of you is a stop sign. Really, I'm not making this up. Generally, it means you have to stop. For those of you new to this concept, it means you have to use that pedal next to the one that makes you go. Yes, that's what that's for.

4. The big red light in the sky, you know, the one next to the pretty green and yellow one? Yah, that means you have to stop too...

5. You can't text and walk either. Especially you there in the black sweater - you definitely can't.

End of Part 1... I'm sure there's going to be a Part 2.

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