

I was going to check how many times I used "Freakin" as my blog post title but thought it better that I didn't know. My darn computer keeps getting 'stuck' - for lack of better computer tech. lingo. I'm wishing that I lived closer to Robin (not that I don't wish for that often) but today it's cause I'd like Mr. K to come over and fix my computer for me. It's probably not all that technical and I bet it could be solved by throwing it from a 6 story building. And he'd do it for a bottle of fat tire (or maybe a six pack) 'cause he's good like that.

In the mean time I'm typing away at my hubby's Apple. I dislike this computer. I don't like the fake "click, click, blach" of the keys and I dislike all the little symbols at the bottom of the screen. What are those anyway?! I'm an old school PC gal. I wish this wasn't true but it is and because of that I will have computers that get virus' and get 'stuck'. Stupid things. And I'd like to believe that I could live without my computer, without the constant need to check facebook and hotmail and everyone's blogs but I can't do that either. Frick. It must be Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Freakin' computers. Freakin' 1000 miles between you and your own personal geek squad. Freak.


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