
If you've read facebook

The Summer Croc. It's a favourite in our house. We all have a pair (or two...). How can you not? They are so versatile.
The winter croc (as it's known in our house). What I don't understand is that you've already mastered a perfect shoe... why mess with it? Frick.

Then please disregard this... I'm ranting again but in a different format so I feel it's legitimate.

Dear People at Crocs. If you're going to make winter crocs could you please (I beg of you) make them exactly like your summer crocs (ie. with the backstrap)? That way I don't have to reason with my son in the middle of the mall. Thank you for listening.
p.s. if you could do that before the snow flies that would be extra wonderful.


  1. Winter Crocs = total disappointment

  2. Seriously. I'm going to go check out whether I can put the straps from his summer crocs onto a pair of winter ones - think they'll let me rip apart a pair at the kiosk?


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