
What do you do if your shoe falls off in the middle of a cow field?

Zen Shorts - great book. Pick it up at your local library today! Like now...

Undoubtedly, you will get poop between your toes. Do you get mad? Frustrated or just giggle? How you handle a situation that does not at all sound appealing can tell a lot about who you are as a person and/or where you are in your life.

This evening I read a book called Zen Shorts to E. I read it to S. last night - two different reads. With E. it's more about the pictures and little stories and knock knock jokes that he makes up while we're reading. With S. it's talking about life and again, how we handle situations that aren't always pleasant (I want to say shitty here but I might be stepping over some sort of line...). It's hard to talk about this with my children - perhaps because looking in the mirror you don't always like what you see (sorry to keep going with the metaphors but it's just that kind of book).

I've had a few incidences in the last couple of weeks where things have happened and I haven't really known how to handle them. I'm an act first, think later kind of gal - emotional, overbearing, forthright but wobbly... I bounce ideas of friends. I mull them over with them hoping to receive some sort of feedback that will make the decision process easier for me. After reading the Zen Shorts book, possibly even before and maybe I was living a teeny, tiny bit in denial, I've decided it's not fair for me to do this to my friends. This isn't their burdens to bear. They are mine and I need to either accept them or let them go. Neither is easy.

I want to thank all my friends that have let me use them for sounding boards over the years- some as early as today. I'm going to try my best to stop this now for it's not good for me to carry it around (it all gets a little heavy) and it's not fair for me to expect you to carry it either (you probably have your own). So, I'll take a deep sigh, Thank God for allowing me to live another day and ask him for the strength to move on. (Wow, Holy religious week Robin!).


  1. Well, really, isn't that what friends are for? I know what you mean, that there is a fine line between gossip and using a friend as a sounding board--but I won't judge you for either! I'm really thankful for your friendship. And I'm going to look for that book.

  2. Thanks Ser! I was thinking of you directly actually - it wasn't the time nor the place. Happy Thoughts. Perhaps it's the Summer of Zen? You're a great friend - I'm very blessed.

  3. Well, Batman, be as religious as you are!

    You know I'm right there with you, damaged filter and all. I hope you won't stop bouncing things off of me because I have no plans to stop bouncing them off you.

    I have had a couple of those "should have thought that one through a bit first" moments in the last couple of weeks, too. I think as long as (when appropriate - sometimes people just need to ease up a bit, though) apologies flow as freely as the verbal diarrhea, those "oops" moments should easily pass among friends.

    I'll check out the book - R has been reading to A at bedtime lately but I'm sure they'll let me cut in...

  4. I agree with the others. That's what friends are for and how our relationships grow from being acquaintances to becoming friends. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with your friends is a great way to develop a bond and a trust that is so necessary in our lives! I love you just the way you are. I thank God (not trying to play off of your religious theme...I REALLY do pray and say thanks) for your presence in my life.

    Thank you for being a great friend! Here's to a Summer of Zen (on the Oasis)! :)


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