

Did you happen to stay up last night and watch the Academy Awards????  I DID!  And I never do.  It was well past 10pm when I went to bed and I don't regret a moment of it (okay, maybe a moment - like when Sean Penn didn't thank Robin Wright Penn... weird).    Hugh Jackman did an amazing job; as did Anne Hathaway in the opening number - don't you just love her?  And the presenters appeared as if they actually read their lines before the show instead of just winging it like they usually do.  

Yes, there didn't appear to be as much flash and glamour as there usually is but I think that's what I liked most about it.  A good old fashioned bit of entertainment.  Perhaps Hugh was right when he said the musical is back... yah, right, probably not, we couldn't be that lucky.  

1 comment:

  1. I noticed that Sean Penn didn't thank his wife, too. Pity. But I thought there was definitely enough pomp & glitter, a little overkill in my estimation! The dancing, singing, and awkward outfits (hello, Whoopi?!?) was just too much. They need to get to the point so we can get to bed!!


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