
Just one of those days.

It's raining here today.

It's not one of those big full on rains that send people running from their cars (which I adore) but the incessant dripping that makes your mood grumpy and your head droopy. And when it gets like this I find I get cold and melancholy and I start yearning for spring or summer... I start dreaming of sitting on a balcony somewhere, preferably the South of France, drinking a nice red wine and watching the sun set. Of course, it's warm so I'm wearing the perfect sundress and I've got a shawl wrapped around my shoulders to fight the chill in the night air. One of my children has fallen asleep in my lap. Every now and then I reach to the table to grab hold of a grape and just enjoy the taste and the peace in the moment.

But (and isn't there always a 'but') more realistically, the kids are both running around screaming and though I have a glass of wine (this time a label called: Charles Shaw (Shiraz) - lovingly called, "Two Buck Chuck") there are no grapes on the table and my head is not full of clouds and the heat and moisture of the evening. There is no balcony, no France, just the hockey game playing in the background and my husband stepping to the Wii trainer. Perhaps, if I close my eyes I'll still be able to hear the crickets chirping and smell the salt of the sea in the air. Don't I look all calm and serene in my bunny jammies?
If you're looking for those views in the pictures above you can RENT them from:
The first picture is just a puddle in my driveway.

1 comment:

  1. You made a blog! Yay! And already you seem to have struck a great balance between home, mommyhood, and wine. Fun.

    I will not be googling popped testicle. Thank you for the warning.


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