
Just want that old time rock n roll...

The entry way looking into the bathroom. Stairs and fireplace room on the right. Front door on the left
The floor. I know, it's not lovely but I like it. I don't know why.
Yes, that's a pink curtain as well?! The living room walls are white but won't stay that way. The furniture isn't staying either.

Remember when Bob Segar used to fill the airwaves? When your mom and dad drove a Royal Blue Ford LTD and it went on and on forever? Do you remember when your mom had that pink and blue floral wallpaper? Yah? I do. I have it in my front entryway and though it was stunning (maybe not...) and trendy in the 80's (some of you dragged it into the 90's), it's really not trendy now. The "Apartment Pink" has ruled a lot of the homes that I've lived in and quite frankly, I'm done with it! It needs to be gone from my life forever...
And so, I am debating if I should tackle ripping off the wallpaper at the front door (is it too early for spring fever). It's a fairly small area and shouldn't take too long (famous last words). The problem is: What do I do with the walls in that area? Should I wallpaper again or just paint? and what colours? The fireplace room is open to that area, as is the front room. I think I'm okay with the fireplace room (a tan/brown colour and done in autumn colours) but the front room is plain white and on my list...it's a long list... I was thinking that since the floor is brown in the entry way (I like the floor, really, I do - it's staying) that perhaps I should stick with browns/tans/creams or plain white. I'm not really into bold colours so nothing toooo dramatic.

Here's a few of the things that I like:

  1. These hooks.
  2. These chicken coops (great for storage).

  3. This wallpaper or this wall application though I think they might be a bit busy?

  4. This wall colour . Kidding... Kind of. Don't you wish you had thought of doing this when you were 16 instead of tape??? Darn it.

  5. I do like this tree - how cool! Wouldn't it look great with the leaves?

That's what I've got thus far. Less is more for me not the other way around and I love, love, love storage! Storage is definitely a something you can always have more of.


  1. Oooh, I love that last link, the wood and black and white. I once had a huge piece of driftwood that looked kind of like that tree.

    I hear your first grader is sick. It is the first grade plague.

  2. Oops, that wasn't Mara commenting, it was me, Ser. But we'll see if I manage to figure out how to sign out as her and sign in as me. Oh heck, I'll just do anonymous this time.

  3. The tree is just so relaxing isn't it? I get that rested feeling whenever I see something from the outdoors brought in.


Comments? Feel free!