
New Favourites!

In case my love for Anthropologie hasn't been made previously (somewhere back in 2008 - I'm not looking for it...), I would just like to state now that I LOVE Anthropologie. Really. I'm not just saying that so Karyn won't be mad at me (or Rob... or Alex...). In fact, I have lust for almost every pair of boots currently posted on the website. The above ones in particular. I think they would look fabulous on me. Yes, now that I've thought about it a little bit more I'm sure of it.
And this cardigan would match those boots perfectly! I'd be stunning. I'd stop traffic - for good reasons, not because I was talking on my cell phone and not paying attention to the darn lights (I digress).... And while I was wearing those beautiful boots with the oh, so lovely cardigan I could lounge on my couch with a glass of The Prisoner in my hand and *sigh* at Benedict Cumberbatch in the new Sherlock Holmes series on PBS. *Sigh* What an absolutely perfect evening that would be. Now, if only I knew someone that worked for Athropologie that could get me those boots at a crazy ass discount... hmmm....
K - got ya smilin' yet?


  1. Oh yeah...I'm SO smiley right now!! :) I love your lovin'!

    But I've also got the sudden urge to go out and spend gobs of money on boots, sweaters, and wine!! Too bad we can't go out shopping together... you + me = big trouble.

    P.S. I could totally see you jaywalking in those boots. Yep. Totally.

  2. Yep, me too! They would be perfect for jaywalking - and bar fights! Oh, so very good for that!

    Quick get your butt back here so we can go shopping!!!!


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