
The 12 days come and gone....

I not only was ditched - I ditched you. I'm sorry there wasn't more written on the martini/cocktails this year. It was all a little crazy and I'm afraid it got a little nasty in the end. And not in the fun, hanging on the porcelain, dancing in the street, 'whooping it up' kind of way. Nah, it was more of the 'where's the kleenex?', 'what's this stuff I keep coughing up' kind of way. So I've been out of it and I'm just starting to see the light.

Now don't go getting all worried. I'm fine. It was a mere cold and not even one big enough to warrant a hospital visit. It's just been lingering and driving me batty and keeping me sober (which really is a bother). But I'm almost back to normal. So much so that I've started having thoughts... ack, I hate when I start having thoughts. It's sooo, well, irritating.

The last four or five months have been a bit of a whirlwind; holiday seasons... and as I no longer have to start planning for Thanksgiving or planning for Christmas, I've got a LOT of free time on my hands. Time, like a cold, like thoughts, is irritating. I've also been blessed to be doing a little 'freelance' work on the side. Which is great. Really. And I think that's led to the whole thing. Because I'm starting to like working. There's a bunch of plus' to working outside the home. Negatives too, but let's not dwell there. I'm not sure where this is all headed. I'm keeping my eyes and ears open. I may even break down and start looking at my parachute color (if you get this then you are totally a peep). I'm not getting any younger - a bunch of other dialogue to go along with that one...

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking at my parachute color these days, too, as you know. Love you!


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