
With each New Year...

Pigsty or organized? It's such a fine line...
The drawer after - Evidence picture No.1
The drawer after - Evidence picture No. 2

I make promises to myself that I really can't keep. I promise to eat better (yah, when potato chips are my downfall and they are everywhere), exercise more, spend less, and on and on and on. Well, we'd hate to break the streak, wouldn't we (perhaps that's my thing)? This year I've decided that I'm going to: 1. be more organized and 2. try new things. In the process, I'm also going to focus on being happier!

Today, let's focus on the whole "becoming more organized thing". It's not that I'm a slob (Mom, no inputs here alright?) but I'm not winning any awards either. And I'm not trying too - let's make that clear shall we? No, what I'd prefer is to have a place where everything goes. Like, you know when you're trying to find a pencil and you can't find one to save your life? Or where do the scissors end up? That magazine you've been dying to read but "you've put it away so you could find it". Yah, I'd like to end all of those things. I've started. My house is a WRECK! It's like the storm before the calm....

1 comment:

  1. Wow... you're doing great! Lately I've been convincing myself that there really isn't point in tackling the house with all these kids living here (of course... I'm afraid K and I are to blame for as much or more of it than they are), so I'll start tackling it in about 10 years or so :)

    Coming soon: The "Robin episode" of Hoarders...


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