
Someone's a little Green

Thank you Apple Photo Booth for supplying my family with hours of fun... really, hours...

That nasty flu-bug has made it's way into my house. The one person that got the shot (above) is Mr.E. Guess who's doing his best Exorcist impression all morning? Luckily he didn't have split pea soup for dinner last night or I'd be high-tailing it out of my house! Kidding....

Since I'm not going anywhere today I've been catching up with my blog reading and surfing and I've found a billion ideas and items that I could do/want. If you haven't been over to School House Electric in a while might I suggest you do? The bare bulbs are enough to send me swooning. And have you checked out Leah's apartment? I WANT those brick walls!!! But I'd settle for that television hutch. How awesome is that?!

My surfing led me to Graphics Fairy and I do believe I'm going to make me a few new pillows soon (like maybe next year) or wouldn't it be lovely to blow up that Birds Nest (Jan25/11) and put it on a duvet cover? So many ideas, so little energy.

The child is calling... he wants lunch. *sigh*

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