
Grade 2 or Second Grade - it really all depends....

Today was the first day of Grade 2 and S handled it well. Not only did he have a smile on his face in the morning (see pic.) but he had one when he walked out of school too. Can't beat that. As an aside, can you see the shoes the boys got on? Yah, those are his 2 year old crocs. We didn't notice he hadn't put on his new shoes until half way to school and by then there was no turning back. We are oh so classy.


  1. That's some impressive first-day-of-school enthusiasm! Never mind the funky (oh so Colorado) shoes - he's one handsome 2nd grader!

  2. He's really rocking those crocs! He's still holding onto that enthusiasm too. It's kind of nice... I wonder when it's all going to end...


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